Politics of Care
Saturday, 14th May 13:30 – 14:45
The pandemic has brought home the inadequacies of the support provided for disabled people, the very old and the very young in the context of 12 years of Tory austerity, and the weakened welfare state.
What do we need to live a healthy and enjoyable life? What should our institutions provide for us? What would a genuinely caring society could look like, and what transformative work do we need to do as socialists to make this happen?
Join us for a discussion about all of these questions, with people who receive care, who work in care, or both.
Further reading suggestions from contributors:
Michal Nahman: Sylvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch
Tithi Bhattachariya et al., Feminism for the 99%
Karen Passmore: Invisible Britain: Portraits of Hope and Resilience
Toni Mayo: Hilary Cottam, Politics of Care