Bristol Transformed 2024 Festival Reading List

Monday, 27th May, 2024

Following the festival, here is our suggested reading list. Session organisers have recommended these for anyone who's interested in learning more.

Disaster Risk Planning

Take Action with ACORN

Abolishing Landlordism

Everything is Terrible - Was It Always?

  • 2009, Andy Beckett, When the Lights Went Out: Britain in the 70s, Faber & Faber

Who Are the Terrorists?

SpyCops - Interview and Q&A with Tom Fowler

Introduction to Radical Economics

  • 2014, Ha Joon Chang, Economics, a Users Guide, Penguin Books Ltd (Pelican)
  • 2018, Hadas Thier, A People’s Guide to Capitalism, Haymarket Books
  • 2017, Yanis Varoufakis, Talking to my Daughter About the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism, Vintage
  • 2024, Grace Blakeley Vulture Capitalism: Corporate Crimes, Backdoor Bailouts, and the Death of Freedom, Bloomsbury
  • 2022, Eric Williams, Slavery and Capitalism, Penguin Books

Economics of Global inequality

  • Pettis and Klein, Trade Wars are Class Wars
  • Nicholas Shaxson, Treasure Islands
  • Panitch and Gidin, The Making of Global Capitalism
  • Kojo Karam, Uncommon Wealth
  • Jason Hickel, The Divide
  • Dani Rodrik, The Globalisation Paradox
  • Costas Lapavitsas, The State of Capitalism
  • Branco Milànovic, Global Inequality
  • Michael Hudson, Super Imperialism
  • 2017, Jason Hickel, The Divide, Penguin
  • 2016, Branco Milanovic, Global Inequality, Harvard University Press
  • 2023, Costas Lapavitsas, The State of Capitalism, Verso Books

Rosa Luxemburg - Socialism or Barbarism?

  • Socialism or barbarism: the selected writings of Rosa Luxemburg, Get Political
  • 2015, Kate Evans, Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg
  • Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, The Life of Rosa Luxemburg
  • 1986, Rosa Luxemburg, Film

Land, Anti-Communism, and the CIA - Guatemala 70 Years on

  • Piero Gleijeses, Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution And The United States, 1944-1954
  • Mario Vargas Llosa, Harsh Times
  • Revolutionary Left Radio, Proles of the Round Table

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